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of the Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies Inc.

The Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies Inc. has two annual awards, the Alexander Henderson Award and the Don Grant Award.

Alexander Henderson Award

This Award is given in memory of Alexander Henderson, one of a number of dedicated persons who laid the foundations of genealogical studies in Victoria. The Award is presented to the person(s) producing, in the opinion of the AIGS Judges, the best Australian family history submitted for the Award. Strong emphasis is placed on a pre-Australian component.

Alexander Henderson Award

Don Grant Award

The Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies Inc. honours the memory of this respected genealogist with the Don Grant Award, which is presented to the person(s) producing, in the opinion of the AIGS Judges, the best Australian historical biography with a family history focus submitted for the award.

Don Grant Award






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ABN 97 600 455 890
Updated 12th June 2014
1/41 Railway Road Blackburn VIC 3130
Tel:  (03) 9877 3789